书接上文 (虽然我是先写的这一篇),当我们有了一个可用的hugo目录后,就可以把它部署到github等静态网页托管服务了。如果你的强迫症不是很严重的话,可以把/public目录直接push到新的repo里;不过如果为了得到一个整洁的主页,可以用同一个repo的master分支保存源文件,gh-page分支来展示,像这里说的那样。


# Create a new orphand branch (no commit history) named gh-pages
git checkout --orphan gh-pages

# Unstage all files
git rm --cached $(git ls-files)

# Grab one file from the master branch so we can make a commit
git checkout master README.md

# Add and commit that file
git add .
git commit -m "INIT: initial commit on gh-pages branch"

# Push to remote gh-pages branch
git push origin gh-pages

# Return to master branch
git checkout master

# Remove the public folder to make room for the gh-pages subtree
rm -rf public

# Add the gh-pages branch of the repository. It will look like a folder named public
git subtree add --prefix=public <你的.git地址> gh-pages --squash

# Pull down the file we just committed. This helps avoid merge conflicts
# 这里我先push了一次,否则会出现fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories
# 好像是git的bug
git subtree push --prefix=public <你的.git地址> gh-pages
git subtree pull --prefix=public <你的.git地址> gh-pages


# Add everything
git add -A

# Commit and push to master
git commit -m "Updating site" && git push origin master

# Push the public subtree to the gh-pages branch
git subtree push --prefix=public <你的.git地址> gh-pages


git add -A
git commit -m "some messages"
git push origin master
git subtree push --prefix=public <你的.git地址> gh-pages
